Property and Housing Standards
The condition of existing buildings and yard areas is regulated by:
- The regulations of Part 9 (Retrofit) of the Fire Code, O. Reg. 213/07;
- By-law No. 20-82 of the Town of Hearst on property standards and maintenance standards;
- Regulations of the Fire Code requiring smoke detectors in every residential unit and carbon monoxide detectors adjacent to sleeping areas in residential units having fuel-burning appliances and/or storage garages;
- Hearst By-law No. 67-96 requiring the continued provision of vital services to tenants, except in exceptional circumstances.
Investigations and assessments of the conditions of existing buildings can be triggered in several ways:
- In response to a complaint;
- In the process of an application for a building permit;
- Enquiries from sellers, buyers or tenants;
- Enquiries from owners or insurance companies;
- Routine inspections for fire prevention.
For more information contact:
Kory Hautcoeur
Director of Planning/Chief Building Official
Myriam Bastarache
By-law Department Director