Logo & Coat of Arms Policy
The Town of Hearst has two official symbols: the coat of arms and the municipal logo.
Coat of Arms:
The coat of arms was adopted by Municipal By-law No. 1275 on June 12, 1979. Each element of the coat of arms is an expression of the Town of Hearst’s history, using symbols.
The Hearst coat of arms is comprised of a shield below a crest. The shield is composed of green and white, representing the opposing summer and winter seasons. The top portion of the shield is defined by an indented line and is coloured green to depict the abundant forests surrounding the community. The fleur-de-lis, the cross and the rose located across the shield are traditional heraldic symbols, which portray the predominantly French and English populations in our Christian community. The great phoenix arising from flames in the centre of the shield is symbolic of the town surviving two disastrous fires. The crest or crown above the shield is known as the “Canadian Woodland Crown”. The three maple leafs on the crest represent Canada. The pine cones symbolize the importance of the lumber industry to our community.
The coat of arms is reserved for protocol, legal and corporate purposes. Therefore the coat of arms is to be used on all letterhead, Council documentation, tender forms, agreements, invoices and statements, receipts, parking tickets, forms, municipal flag, official advertising, etc.
Municipal Logo:
The municipal logo was adopted by Municipal By-law No. 82-15 on October 27, 2015. The main objective of the logo is to develop a brand and a new visual identity for Hearst.
The logo design captures the dominant forest industry in the municipality. It is comprised of the word “hearst” colored in a palette of greens transitioning to golden yellow, with a two-faceted symbol: the first being tree rings, representing the forest industry, and the second, a fingerprint, representing the Hearst community leaving its imprint.
The municipal slogan “Hearst is different! Hearst, c’est différent !” was adopted by Council Resolution No. 51-15 on February 3, 2015. The slogan is to be used alone or with the municipal logo.
The municipal logo is to be used on all promotional material, municipal equipment, activity forms, promotional and sponsorship advertising, etc.
The coat of arms and municipal logo are registered and protected under the Trade-marks Act and are the property of the Corporation of the Town of Hearst. Any reproduction without the Town’s expressed permission is prohibited. If the Town becomes aware of an unauthorized use, it may pursue legal action.
The coat of arms is reserved for protocol, corporate and legal purposes and may not be reproduced.
The municipal logo is used to promote the town, to create a visual identity for Hearst and to achieve local recognition. Organizations, businesses and citizens are invited to use the municipal logo but it cannot be used in a satirical or negative manner.
Authorization to use the Municipal Logo and Slogan:
In order to protect the integrity of the logo, organizations, businesses or individuals wishing to use the logo must seek prior approval from the Town of Hearst. Completed authorization application forms must be submitted to the Municipal Clerk for approval.
Care must be taken to make sure the logo is not altered or modified in any way. Neither the logo, its colors, its screen values nor densities in color or in black and white are to be modified in any way. The logo and slogan proportions must remain the same, though the size may be changed. It cannot be stretched horizontally or vertically.
Because the Hearst logo is a trademark, it is now a requirement that everyone wishing to use the logo must complete this “Application For Use” form and return it to the Town Clerk at the address shown above. Only when permission has been given can the logo be used.
Application for use of the logo/slogan