Hearst Town Hall opening hours : 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.

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Reservoir (18)

Water and Sewer

705-362-4341 ANYTIME


2024 Water and Sewer Rates


All the built up area is served by the municipal water system piping. Few properties are on partial services (municipal water system and private sewage on site).

The town has a water filtration plant located at 1215 Edward Street, managed by Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA). The source of drinking water for the Town of Hearst is the Mattawishkwia River. The water is then treated for consumption. The current capacity of the plant is 11,200 m3/day. The underground tank has a capacity of 4500 m3 and the water tower or elevated storage tank has a capacity of 900 m3. The treated water is distributed to residents and businesses through an underground pipeline of more than 40 km. The water consumption of the distribution system is measured and billed monthly to consumers. Annual reports, summary reports and engineering evaluation reports for the past two years for the Hearst drinking water system are available in the front lobby at Hearst Town Hall, 925 Alexandra St.

The system of municipal water supply is maintained on a regular basis. All hydrants are prepared each Fall for the Winter and washed with water in the Spring. Underground pipes are repaired when failure occurs.

If you experience a problem with water (no water, water intermittently, water discoloration, etc..) Call a plumber immediately. This will identify the cause and location of the problem. If the problem is caused by a blockage in the municipal service, contact the staff immediately at 705.362.4341 anytime.

Sanitary Sewer

The system contains more than 40 km of underground pipelines that serve the entire built-up area, including the mobile home park in Hearst.  There are 7 pumping stations in the system that are electronically controlled 24 hours. The wastewater is treated by a system of lagoons, located on a 28.3 hectare site, South of the Mattawishkwia river.

The system includes three cell aerated lagoons and four conventional cells, which discharge treated effluent into the river in the spring and fall with a capacity of 5800 m3/day. A secondary system with a capacity of 50 residential units serving the mobile home park in Cecile Trailer Park is located east of the river and north of Highway 11.

The staff of the Town of Hearst is responsible for routine maintenance of the municipal sanitary sewer system. The repair work is usually contracted out. Each year, all sanitary sewers are cleaned with water during the summer months.

If you experience a sewer backup, call a plumber immediately. The plumber will identify the cause and location of the problem. If the problem is caused by a blockage in the municipal service, contact the staff immediately 705-362-4341 anytime.

Storm Sewers

The central part of Hearst, Highway 11 (Front Street) and most of St-Pie-X are drained by a network of storm sewers, which treat runoff by settling prior to being discharged into the river. Improved drainage to storm sewers in all built-up areas is a key element of the long-term capital plan. Runoff in the rest of the community is evacuated in conventional ditches.

The storm sewer system is cleaned with water on a priority basis. During the freeze-thaw spring season, the team of the Public Works and Engineering Department uses a boiler to melt the ice buildup in catch basins and spillways, if necessary. This prevents flooding of roads and public and private lands.