The Official Plan of the Hearst area is a policy document that provides guidelines for development activities in the Town of Hearst, and also in the Township of Mattice-Val Côté and the five unorganized townships that make up the development of Hearst area.
The Plan was adopted by the Council in Hearst and was formally approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. It contains standards for new developments or redevelopments of commercial, industrial and residential and lists any constraints that must be taken into consideration for the development of a particular type or a particular region.
The proposed development and redevelopment that involve significant changes in land use or significant deviations from the approved standards may require an amendment to the Official Plan through an application for official plan amendment.
List of rates
Town of Hearst Zoning By-law 76-19
Official Plan of the Hearst Planning Area 2017
Schedule A Schedule B Schedule C Schedule D Schedule E
Hearst Community Improvement Plan
Applications for financial assistance under the Hearst downtown – Hwy 11/Front Street Corridor Community Improvement Programs