Cultural policy
The Town recognizes the following eight principles:
- Culture belongs to every citizen and must therefore be accessible to all;
- Culture, art, heritage, and history are all factors of identity and enrichment; they promote a sense of belonging to a community;
- Cultural development includes all forms and skills of art:
- Visual art
- Public art
- Stage art (theatre, dance, etc.)
- Written art (literature)
- Heritage and history
- Festivals and cultural events
- The natural environment
- Cinematography
- Local artists’ creative development must be encouraged;
- Cultural development proceeds in harmony with other municipal operations. It leads to the betterment of the community, including the development of the area, economy, and tourism;
- The arts and culture are an important driving force in the development of the tourism industry and must therefore be integrated into tourism projects;
- Cultural development is a common responsibility and must be shared amongst different levels of government, institutions, local groups and the population;
- Culture plays an important role in the development of the community, in establishing a sense of identity, and in the quality of life of its citizens.
For more information, you can view the PDF of the cultural policy.