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Lottery Licenses

Criminal Code*

Section 206 makes it an indictable offence to participate in a lottery scheme in any manner. Section 207 provides an exemption for charitable and religious organizations to conduct lottery schemes provided that they are issued a licence with the appropriate provincial authority.

Role of Municipalities*

Municipalities have the authority to issue licences for the majority of lottery schemes in their community including bingo licences up to $5,500 prize board, raffles up to $50,000 and most break open ticket lottery licences.

Eligibility Guidelines – Questionnaire*

The following questions may be used to help assess the eligibility of the applicant: 1.  Which of the four classifications of charitable objects do the primary purposes of the organization match?

  • the relief of poverty;
  • the advancement of education;
  • the advancement of religion; or
  • any other charitable purposes beneficial to the community not falling under a, b or c.

If none of the above, its objects should not be considered charitable.

  • Is the organization established to provide charitable services in Ontario and use proceeds for objects of purposes which benefit Ontario residents?
  • Is the charitable benefit to be achieved by the applicant denied to any segment of the community?
  • Does a large portion or percentage of the community as a whole benefit by the fund raising of the applicant.
  • Is the applicant properly organized such that it is separate from any other organization? ie. legally, financially, organizationally.
  • Has the applicant been in operation for at least one year and have a proven charitable mandate? If not, it is not eligible.
  • Is there a person or persons who will assume full responsibility for the operation and conduct of the event?
  • For what will the proceeds of the licensed event be uses and is the intended use consistent with the classification?
  • Does the organization have a place of business in Ontario?
    *Entertainment Standards Branch, Lottery Licensing Policy Manual

Terms and Conditions and Application Forms
To apply for a lottery licence please print the application and send it to the following address:

Corporation of the Town of Hearst
925 Alexandra Street
Hearst, ON POL 1NO

Municipal Lottery Licencing Fees:  3% of total proposed prize

Information: Please call Annie Lemieux at Hearst Town Hall (705-362-4341, 1001) or visit the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario’s web site.