Municipal Council
The Town of Hearst, in partnership with iCompass Technologies, are excited to announce the release of a new CivicWeb Portal.
This new portal allows residents to sign up for email notifications for regular and special public council meetings, to review council meeting agendas, minutes and the full council meeting package that Hearst Town Council review prior to their meetings.
The portal will develop further over time as more resources are added online. Residents are encouraged to access the portal by clicking on the icon above.
For archived council meeting documentation, click here.
The Town of Hearst uses YouTube to broadcast board meetings and record them for later viewing, a tremendous benefit to citizens interested in staying informed.
To view council meeting recordings please visit our YouTube page by clicking on the icon.
Calendar of Council and Committee Meetings 2025
Notice to citizens
Individuals who submit letters and other information to Council should be aware that any personal information contained within their communications may become part of the public record and may be made available to the public through the Council Agenda process.
Councillors appointed Acting Mayor for the period of November 15, 2022 to November 14, 2026.
Declaration of Interest Registry
Proclamations and Flag-raisings

Roger Sigouin, Mayor
Tel.: 705-372-8399 (cell)
Email rsigouin@hearst.ca
Member Responsibilities
- Operations Standing Committe
- Finance Standing Committee
- Policy Standing Committee
- Parks and Recreation Standing Committee
- Planning Standing Committee
- Economic Development Standing Committee
- District of Cochrane Social Services Administration Board
- Accessibility (ex-officio)
- Long Term Care (ex-officio)
- Hearst and Area Economic Development (ex-officio)
- Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Financial Incentive (ad hoc)
- Hearst Forest Management Inc.
- Hearst and Area Planning Board
- James Bay O.P.P. Detachment Board 1
- Hearst Non-Profit Housing Corporation
- Hearst Power Distribution Corporation
- Hearst Power Sales and Services Company
- Foyer Hearst-Mattice Soins de Santé
(Mayor is ex-officio of all municipal committees – not counted in quorum)

Josée Vachon, Councillor
Tel.: 705-372-5115 (cell)
Email: jvachon@hearst.ca
Member Responsibilities
- Finance Standing Committee (President)
- Policy Standing Committee
- Hearst Power Sales and Services Company
- Porcupine Health Unit
- Hearst Connect Corporation
Gaëtan Baillargeon, Councillor
Tel.: 705-362-2066 (cell)
Email: gbaillargeon@hearst.ca
Member Responsibilities
- Economic Development Standing Committee (President)
- Parks and Recreation Standing Committee
- Hearst and Area Economic Development
- Hearst Non-Profit Housing Corporation
- James Bay O.P.P. Detachment Board 1
- Hearst Development Corporation
- Hearst Local Citizens Committee
- Northeast Community Network
- Hearst Forest Management Inc. (substitute member)

Daniel Lemaire, Councillor
Tel.: 705-362-8541
Email: dlemaire@hearst.ca
Member Responsibilities
- Planning Standing Committee (President)
- Operations Standing Committee
- Hearst and Area Planning Board
- Hearst Mobilization Committee (Homelessness and Poverty)
- Foyer Hearst-Mattice Soins de Santé
- Community Transportation Association
- CIP Financial Incentive (ad hoc)
- Veterinary Services Committee
Nicolas Picard, Councillor
Tel.: 705-362-4341
Email: npicard@hearst.ca
Member Responsibilities
- Parks and Recreation Standing Committee (President)
- Economic Development Standing Committee
- Hearst and Area Economic Development
- Hearst Connect Corporation
- Hearst Development Corporation
- Long Term Care Committee

Martin Lanoix, Councillor
Tel.: 705-362-4341
Email: mlanoix@hearst.ca
Member Responsibilities
- Operations Standing Committee (President)
- Planning Standing Committee
- Hearst and Area Planning Board
- Hearst Power Distribution Company
- Northeast Community Network (substitute member)
- CIP Financial Incentive (ad hoc)
Joël Lauzon, Councillor
Tel.: 705-960-9450 (cell)
Email: jlauzon@hearst.ca
Member Responsibilities
- Policy Standing Committee (President)
- Finance Standing Committee
- Accessibility Committee
- Centre-ville Hearst Downtown
- Public Library Board
- Foyer Hearst-Mattice Soins de Santé