Hearst Town Hall opening hours : 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.

January 2025 Residential Waste and Recycling Collection Calendar

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forest capital of canada

Forest Capital of Canada

Established in 1979, the Forest Capital of Canada recognizes and promotes the valuable role that our forests play in the socio-economic and environmental health of Canadian communities – past, present and future.

The decision to recognize Constance Lake First Nation, Hearst and Mattice-Val Côté was the result of their strong forest history and cultural legacy, their continued dedication to sustainable forest management, and their collaborative efforts with all forest stakeholders.

“It is truly a great honor for our communities to receive this recognition. The residents of Constance Lake First Nation, the town of Hearst and the Municipality of Mattice-Val Côté take great pride in their hard work and careful use of our forests,” says Mayor Roger Sigouin from Hearst. “We must continue to support and nurture our beautiful natural resources for future generations.”

Media releases

Friday March 6, 2015
Constance Lake First Nation, the Town of Hearst and the Municipality of Mattice-Val Côté named Forest Capital of Canada

Monday, May 11, 2015
Forest Capital of Canada Recognition Ceremony for Constance Lake First Nation, the Town of Hearst and the Municipality of Mattice-Val Côté

Promotional Items
(Can be ordered from our local suppliers)

Forest Day celebration – October 3rd, 2015

The Canadian Institute of Forestry

canadian institute of forestry
The Canadian Institute of Forestry/l’Institut forestier du Canada (CIF/IFC) is the national voice of forest practitioners. Formed in 1908, the Institute represents foresters, forest technologists and technicians, ecologists, biologists, geographers, educators, scientists and many others with a professional interest in forestry. The Institute’s mission is to provide national leadership in forestry, promote competence among forestry professionals, and foster public awareness of Canadian and international forestry issues.