Cross Connections
BY-LAW NO. 70-04
Being a by-law to prohibit cross-connections in the water distribution system where entry of non-potable water may occur
WHEREAS the preservation of water quality in the municipal water distribution system is of utmost importance, and
WHEREAS cross connections of piping systems between the municipal water distribution system and a source of untreated water poses a risk of contamination,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Hearst as follows:
- THAT in this by-law, a cross connection means any temporary or permanent water connection that may allow backflow of contaminants, pollutants, infectious agents, other material or substance that has the potential to change the water quality in the water works distribution system.
- THAT no person shall connect, cause to be connected, or permit any piping, fixture, fitting, container or appliance to remain connected to the water works distribution system in a manner which under any circumstances, may allow non-potable water, waste water, or any other liquid, chemical or substance to enter the water works distribution system.
- THAT where any non-potable water, waste water, liquid, chemical or substance has entered the water works distribution system, the Town shall immediately carry out an inspection and issue such order or orders to the user as may be required to obtain compliance with section 1 of this by-law.
- THAT if the user to whom the Town has issued an order fails to comply with any order issued under Section 2, the Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk or the Director of Engineering Services, at his or her discretion, may take the measures necessary to discontinue the water supply without prior notice.
- THAT notwithstanding sections 1, 2 and 3, where in the opinion of the Town, a risk of possible contamination of the water works distribution system exists, a user shall, upon notice from the Director of Engineering Services, install on the water service at the source of potential contamination a cross connection control device, approved by the Town, in addition to any cross connection control devices installed in the user’s water system.
- THAT all cross connection control or backflow prevention devices shall be selected, installed and maintained in accordance with Town standards and no work shall be performed prior to the issuance of a plumbing permit from the Town of Hearst Planning and Building Department.
- THAT all cross connection control devices shall, at the expense of the user, be inspected and tested by persons qualified to carry out such tests, to demonstrate that the device is in good working condition upon installation, and thereafter annually, or more often as may be required by the Town. The user shall submit a report on a form approved by the Town on any or all tests performed on the cross connection control device within 30 days of a test. A record shall also be displayed on or adjacent to the cross connection control device, on which record the tester shall register the address of the premises, the location, type, manufacturer, serial number and size of the device, the test date, the tester’s initials, the tester’s name or the name of his or her employer and the tester’s licence number.
- THAT when the results of a test referred to in section 6 indicate that a cross connection control device is not in good working condition, the user shall discontinue the connection of the device with the municipal water distribution and shall make repairs or replace the device before the cross connection is reactivated.
- THAT if a user fails to have a cross connection control device tested, the Director of Engineering Services may notify the user that the cross connection control device must be tested within 72 hours of the user receiving the notice.
- THAT if a user fails to have a cross connection control device tested when required by the Director of Engineering Services, the Director may discontinue the water supply until the cross control connection device has been tested and approved as required by section 6.
- THAT the Director of Engineering Services, at his or her discretion, may also require the user to zone or area protect the water distribution system from the cross connection system.
- THAT the Town shall be allowed access, upon reasonable notice, to any premises that are connected to the water works distribution system for the purpose of performing an inspection to locate possible cross connections.
- THAT where the user does not provide access referred to in section 12, the Director of Engineering Services may issue a written notice to the user requiring that access be provided within (24) twenty-four hours. If access is not provided within this period, the Director of Engineering Services may, at his or her discretion, discontinue the water supply to the premises until such time as the access is provided.